Bollywood Dream
Learn the moves & grooves of Bollywood
Mumbai is often called the ‘city of dreams’ – and the one industry that has stoked the most dreams is Bollywood, the film factory of India. The Bollywood Dream takes you through what drives the film industry – from the music and the dances, from the shoots to the stills, from the starry-eyed ambitions and the uphill battles! Learn what goes into the masala of a Bollywood film – kickstart your day with a Bollywood dance workshop, followed by a session at a recording studio, then head to a film studio and take part in an actual shoot and interact with industry folk along the way! If there’s time – you could also watch a small snippet of a Bollywood film at one of the older theatres in the city. There’s no better way to understand Bollywood than with this behind-the-scenes, sneak-peak into the industry of movies and dreams!