Sattvic Cuisine at Shreyas Retreat
Unlock the secrets of wholesome, yogic cuisine
The term ‘soul food’ is more than just a fad – it is documented in our ancient scriptures of Ayurveda and Yoga. The secret to a balanced life is as much about the food, as a health regime – medicine is considered as a final resort. At Shreyas Yoga Retreat, there is a dedication to introducing and adopting more holistic practices – and their cuisine is no exception. Partake the ancient wisdom of sattvic cuisine – food that are good for the body, through hands-on sessions with our chef. Learn a wide range of recipes, with tips on nutrition, alternatives to ingredients (as they understand that not all ingredients are as easily available world over), and ideal methods for storage to increase the shelf life of food without affecting its nutritional value. Replenish the ‘soul’ from within!
Image Credits: Shreyas Yoga Retreat